PitchPerfector v3.8 Discussion

Welcome PitchPerfector Users!

This page is a quick introduction to some of the feature planning for v3.8 that we hope to deliver late December, 2014.  This is ambitious given that we’re just 2 weeks away and there’s also a new foundation tool set that was just released (that could make it go faster or slow things down).

The purpose of this post is

A) To let you know what is coming

B) To collect YOUR input. What would you like to see?


Guidelines for comments:

*) Current version you are using:  eg, 3.5

*) How long have you used PitchPerfector?

*) Possible quick easy enhancements

*) Biggest ideas and concept for consideration

Of course we will look at all of these and do our best. We expect to be able to include some of the smaller easier enhancements in v3.8

More complex requests will be deferred to a future release, such as v3.8 or  v4.0

Please be lively and courteous!

I look forward to hearing from you!


As you can see, I left a lot of room for people to raise smaller topics and put in requests.

 SHARE YOU IDEAS! There’s a good chance you’ll get what you ask for!


To YOUR Highest Singing Results!



Categories: Products.


  1. Dana Ray

    Hi Stephen!

    I just bought 3.62 version and I wanna know if there’ll be an early bird offer for 3.8. I say this because I’d love to have a bundle for my group. We are five and we’d love to practice and have the ultimate version with the Foundations of Singing course.
    Yes, the bundle 🙂

  2. kb

    So excited about these changes!! I love this program and have found it so useful for creating better pitch accuracy on single notes but have not been able to make good use of it with scale practice because of the view restrictions. Looks like all that is getting fixed and being released in no time…awesome Xmas gift, thanks!!!

    • Singing Coach

      Hi Lars,

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      Linux/Unbutu – would be nice, though highly unlikely.

      None of the development kits with good audio engines support Linux – I’m guessing partly because there are so many flavors of UI that it would be a huge time sink to keep up with them… on top of that it’s a tiny fraction of the marketplace.

      Thanks for the suggestion. I’ll at least keep it in mind.


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