PitchPerfector v3.8 Discussion

Welcome PitchPerfector Users!

This page is a quick introduction to some of the feature planning for v3.8 that we hope to deliver late December, 2014.  This is ambitious given that we’re just 2 weeks away and there’s also a new foundation tool set that was just released (that could make it go faster or slow things down).

The purpose of this post is

A) To let you know what is coming

B) To collect YOUR input. What would you like to see?


Guidelines for comments:

*) Current version you are using:  eg, 3.5

*) How long have you used PitchPerfector?

*) Possible quick easy enhancements

*) Biggest ideas and concept for consideration

Of course we will look at all of these and do our best. We expect to be able to include some of the smaller easier enhancements in v3.8

More complex requests will be deferred to a future release, such as v3.8 or  v4.0

Please be lively and courteous!

I look forward to hearing from you!


As you can see, I left a lot of room for people to raise smaller topics and put in requests.

 SHARE YOU IDEAS! There’s a good chance you’ll get what you ask for!


To YOUR Highest Singing Results!



Categories: Products.


  1. Lance Swafford

    Hello Stephen, Thanks for all. I would like to make a request for when
    you upgrade you PitchPerfecter. As far as selecting the note, the
    keyboard works perfectly fine. I would not change that. But I would
    add pitch selection to the notes left of the graph. Those would make
    perfect buttons that are a bit more convenient than the keyboard. Most
    of my view is on and near the graph. Maybe also a way to record ones
    voice during the exercises in order to hear it back. Our voices alway
    sound different when we hear them from an outside source. Thanks for
    all you are doing. 🙂

    • Singing Coach


      That’s a very interesting idea that I had not considered. Will investigate and if it’s quick and easy we’ll get it in for v3.8.


  2. Barry Thomas

    I appreciate all the hard work you do . I can’t wait to see what’s next. I know we live in a fast pace society and I know how important the smart phone has become. But when it comes to music I like to separate my-self from the rest of the world and place my-self in a situation where it is just me and my pitch perfect to develop my voice. I would love the size of the display made larger. It is so great to be a part of the pitch perfect family. I think I bought one when they first put them on line to sell. I wouldn’t trade it and I’m so grateful for all the work and providing updates for them. It’s so exciting. Keep up the great work

    • Singing Coach

      Hi Barry,
      Interesting perspective on where you want to train. It’s helpful to know your preferences and preferred usage.

  3. Helene Dion

    My #1 wish is the ability to design my own short phrase to repeat, instead of being “stuck” to major triad, minor triad, etc.

    • Singing Coach

      Hi Helene,

      Great desire!

      As a longer goal, we’d like to incorporated any Midi and even a combination of midi scores with the target vocal line represented as regions on the graph so you’d see where you voice should be…

      While it seems quick/easy to add a note pattern within the program, it opens several complications… immediately there’s a need for timing… which immediately moves to “full midi”… it’s a nice feature that has merit, but opens the door so many directions that I’ve been shy to open Pandora’s box. We will include this and it might be as early as v4.0 early next year.

      For now, there’s a really easy short term solution:
      a) play the pattern on another app – eg, midi, or audio recording on a side by side app
      b) use an external source for prompts of the pattern

      Hope that tip helps for now.

      Thanks for your contribution!

  4. Patrick Fraser

    I have an older version so perhaps you’ve already addressed this issue…but I always wanted to know how far off pitch I was in cents. Some kind of scale would be helpful.

    • Singing Coach

      Hi Patrick,
      This is an interesting request. Is this just for curiosity?

      How much you are off is constantly changing… but! Maybe we could add a simple display to show the distance… hummmm… at first glance this didn’t grab me, but i’m seeing it might be quick an easy to add… I’ll see… maybe in v3.8!

      For those not familiar, there are 100 CENTs between each note (horizontal lines). Example uses: “I was about 30 cents flat all night, this head cold is really challenging!”

      Thank you!

  5. Katrin Boeckx

    I don’t know if you remember but when I installed PitchPerfector v3.5 a few years ago (I’m still using it almost every day) it wasn’t working properly on a French computer because of the directory names which are different. We solved the problem together so it’s working fine now.
    I don’t know if you sell PitchPerfector often in France but I just wanted to remind you… And I would like to know that, if I upgrade, it will work correctly!

    • Singing Coach

      Hi Katrin,

      YES, I do remember! Thanks for saying hello! We don’t get a lot of sales from France, but welcome more of your friends to join us!

      Glad to hear you’re still using and enjoying the program!


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